Welcome to IHMAAA
Institute of Hotel Management Ahmedabad Alumni Association

Support IHMAAA, with 1000 min+ your wish. NEFT/DD/Cheque Accepted. Further Bank Details are;
Banker - State Bank of India, Account No - 33578571766, Account Name - Institute of Hotel Management Ahmedabad Alumni Association,
Branch - Kudasan, Branch Code - 14975, IFSC Code - SBIN0014975, MICR Code - 380002178
Branch Address - Radhe Arcade, Village Kudasan, Gandhinagar, Gujarat.

Do mail us the counter receipt at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. once you the make deposit, so your membership can be acknowledged.
For further details call Mr. Anil Goyal at 91-7600099040 / Mr. Virendra Singh Gaur 91-9824227837

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IHMAAA Terms & Conditions

Newsletter Terms And Conditions:

  • - Terms and Conditions
    By subscribing to IHMAAA newsletter you agree to receive email from us. The aim of our newsletter service is to keep IHMAAA Alumni updated about new events and happenings
    The subscription to our newsletter service is not mandatory
  • - Frequency
    The frequency of the Newsletter issues will be at most monthly, unless some concerns
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    IHMAAA reserve the sole right to either modify or discontinue the newsletter, at any time with or without notice. IHMAAA will not be liable to you or any third party should we exercise such right. Any new features that augment or enhance the then- current services on this site shall also be subject to these Terms of Use.
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Article of Association


1. NAME OF THE ASSOCIATION : Institute of Hotel Management Ahmedabad Alumni Association
2. OFFICE : Institute of Hotel Management,
C/o Institute of Hotel Management,
On Koba-Infocity Rd., Bhaijipura, Gandhinagar-382421.
Gujarat India.


All former students who have graduated from IHM Ahmedabad shall be eligible for Membership of the Association. All the final year students of the college shall be associate members of the Association.

All the faculty members of the IHM Ahmedabad shall be Ex-Office members of the Association.

Only members whose names are included I the membership register shall have the voting power. The application for membership shall be made in the prescribed form and shall be addressed to the secretary.

The executive committee of the association shall admit a member based on the application. An applicant, if admitted as a member shall so notified by the secretary.

The subscription for the life membership shall be  1000/- to be paid in a single installment.


A. The administration of the association shall vest in an Executive Committee consisting of a
- President,
- Vice President,
- Secretary,
- Joint Secretary and
- 11 other members to be elected / nominated as per the following conditions.
B. The Principal of the college shall be the Ex-Office Chairperson of the Association.
C. All the office bearers, except Chairperson & Treasurer shall be Alumni of the College. The President & the vice president shall be alumnus working outside the college. The Secretary shall be an alumnus working outside the college itself. The Joint Secretary shall be an alumnus working in the college.
D. The elected / nominated executive committee shall have a period of one year but they shall continue in office until the successor committee is elected / nominated.
E. Election of the office bearers, if necessary, shall be done by secret ballot with the patron as the returning officer.
F. In the absence of the president, the working president shall assume the powers of the president.
G. If any other post in the Executive Committee falls vacant, the committee shall co-opt suitable members for the posts on their consent.


A. Executive Committee :
- The Executive Committee is responsible for the overall management of the association and will be the custodian of all the assets of the association.
- The Executive Committee shall meet at least twice in a year.
- The Executive Committee shall have the power to peruse all the accounts of the association and shall have the power to decide on all the policy matters of association.
- The Executive Committee shall receive the subscriptions / donations / Contributions against serial machine numbered receipts with counterfoils to be signed by the Joint Secretary or an Executive Committee member authorize by the Joint Secretary.
- The annual accounts and budgets shall be prepared by the Executive Committee shall present them for consideration of the association.
- The Executive Committee shall consider and sanction necessary funds for the meeting, expenses of the association and it shall raise funds through donation / contributions, if necessary.
B. Patron :
- The patron shall advice and helps the Executive Committee on matters concerning the working of the association.
C. President :
- The President shall preside over the meetings of the General Body and Executive Committee.
- The President shall have the power to peruse the accounts of the Association whenever necessary.
D. Vice-President :
- The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in his absence or when the President so authorizes.
E. Secretary :
- The Secretary shall be responsible for the safe custody of the records of the association.
- The Secretary shall receive the applications for membership and place them before the Executive I Committee for appropriate action.
- The Secretary shall keep the accounts and vouchers regarding receipts and expenditure, shall maintain all registers of the association, shall keep the minutes and proceedings of the Executive Committee and General body, shall convene the meetings of the Executive Committee and General body, and shall perform all other functions as the Executive Committee may assign to him/her.

The Joint Secretary shall assist the Secretary in the performance of duties and shall perform the duties of the Secretary in his/her absence or when so authorized by the Executive Committee / Secretary.

The General Body is the supreme authority on all matters of the Association and shall meet at least once in an year. It shall elect the Executive Committee as detailed above. It shall, if needed, verify the accounts and appoint an Chartered Accountant to audit the accounts. It shall receive the annual report and pass it and shall amend the constitution, if necessary, by a two-third majority of the members present. The decisions of the General Body shall be final and binding in all matters connected with the Association.

Quorum for the General Body meeting shall-be 30 Members and for Executive Committee meeting shall be 7 members. The Notice for these meetings should be sent to the members individually not less then 10 days prior to the meeting.

On the written request of not less than 30 Members. Secretary shall convene any special meeting of the General Body. Special Executive Committee meetings may be convened on the request of not less than 50% of its members.
The president shall have power to direct the Secretary to convene any extra ordinary meeting of the Executive Committee. If the secretary is unable / fails to do so, even two weeks after the proposed date, the president my convene the meeting himself/herself or may direct the Joint Secretary to do so.

The account of the association shall be opened and operated in any Nationalized / Scheduled Bank.

In all meetings the majority decision will be recorded, as the decision of the meeting.
An financial year for the association will be 1't April to 31't March.
The elections to the Executive Committee and Annual General Body shall be held in the first Monday of the October. The new Executive Committee shall take charge in the second work of the October.

All assets and liabilities of the IHMAAA shall vest with the Executive Body and managed by it in accordance with the provisions contained in these Rules and Regulations.

The all addition or alternation shall be made in the Memorandum and Rules and Regulations (Bye-law) of the IHMAAA, unless it is supported bY 2/3rd of the members with voting right present and voting in an Annual General Body meeting or in a specific General Body meeting convened for the purpose, by intimating individually to all members of the IHMAAA having voting rights.
The Executive Body shall have power from time to time to take decision as it may think fit and proper under provision of this Bye-law and to provide for the management of the IHMAAA and its properties and also from time to time alter any such decisions adopted or subsequently amended shall in any manner be inconsistent with any of the provisions of this bye-law or the Society Registration Act, 1860.

Any member of the IHMAAA acting in contravention of the objectives of the IHMAAA or found guilty of misconduct shall be liable for expulsion on the votes of two third of the members present in the person entitled to vote at an extraordinary or Annual General Body meeting convened for the purpose.

The IHMAAA may be dissolved only at an extraordinary General Meeting convened for the purpose and attended by at least three-fifth of the members on the roll who are entitled to vote at the time. Consent of at least three-fourth of the members, who are entitled to vote shall be necessary for the resolution to be declared carried and that shall be confirmed in a subsequent special meeting. On dissolution, the assets of the IHMAAA after clearing all debts and liabilities shall be handed over to any other similar organization, registered under the Societies or Registration Act, 1860, We, the following members hereby form rules and regulations of this Association as above.

We, the undersigned members of Association under The Provisions Registration Act, 1860.

Mr. Anil Goyal

Mr. Bhaskar Sharma

Ms. Jaya Sharma

Joint Secretary
Mr. Harjinder S. Sandhu

Mr. Renish K. Vaghela

Executive Member
Mr. Salla Vijaykumar

Executive Member
Mr. Kapil Singh

Executive Member
Mr. Chitresh Sarswat

Executive Member
Mr. Reetesh Meena

Executive Member
Mr. Ankit Mathur

Executive Member
Mr. Vinay Namjoshi

Executive Member
Mr. Pratik Gambhir

Dated : 2013


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News and Events

Pledge Your Organs - Donor Card Pledge Your Organs - Donor Card The Donor Card enables people to express their wish to become... More detail
Ms. Anushka Dias Awarded Chef Roy Memorial Trophy Ms. Anushka Dias Awarded Chef Roy Memorial Trophy For her incredible success and glory at IHM-Ahmedabad in academic... More detail
IHMAAA's Tribute to Chef Roy IHMAAA's Tribute to Chef Roy  Late Chef Roy A Tribute & Memorial Trophy  Late Chef... More detail
IHMAAA ­­­Alumni Awards At Farewell 2014 Batch IHMAAA ­­­Alumni Awards At Farewell 2014 Batch  Dr. J. K. Mangaraj - Principal IHM Ahemdabad, Distributed... More detail

Office Bearer's Message

  • Chairperson
  • Mr. NM Rafique Founder Principal
  • Mr. Anil Goyal President

Office Bearers